Data Exploration and Cleaning
0. Learning Objectives
- Understand the importance of exploring data and its structure before using it.
- Explain the significance of understanding variable distribution and describe ways to visualize the distribution.
- Look for outliers, correlated variables, and the overall distribution of data; describe why these factors are important.
- Understand the differences between common dimensionality reduction strategies. Explain why we would use them.
- Explain the concepts of data cleaning and imputation.
- Explain the implications of using various imputation strategies.
- Give examples of why health data may need cleaning.
- Describe strategies for working with missing data, and identify the three main types of missing data.
1. Data Exploration
Initial Data Understanding
- Examine data appropriateness before starting research
- Consider three dimensions of variables:
- Role (Predictor vs Target)
- Data type (Strings, Dates, Numbers)
- Nature (Categorical vs Continuous)
Data Structure Assessment
- Check data point quantity
- Verify variable data types
- Validate value ranges
- Assess data completeness
- Use pandas for type conversion when needed
Univariate Analysis
- Categorical Variables
- Use
- Visualize with bar plots
- Use
- Continuous Variables
- Basic statistics (
) - Visualizations:
- Histograms
- Box plots (shows median, quartiles, outliers)
- Violin plots (distribution shape)
- Q-Q plots (normality test)
- Basic statistics (
- Data Standardization
- Z-score standardization: $z_i = \frac{x_i - \bar{x}}{s}$ (mean 0, std 1)
- Min-max scaling (0 to 1)
Bivariate/Multivariate Analysis
- Scatter plots
- Correlation analysis (Pearson)
- Watch for outliers
Dimensionality Reduction
- Linear Methods
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis): Unsupervised, linear
- Idea: find directions of maximum variance in high-dimensional data and project data onto these directions
- LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis): Supervised, linear
- Idea: find directions that maximize class separability
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis): Unsupervised, linear
- Non-linear Methods
- t-SNE: Unsupervised, non-linear
- Idea: map high-dimensional data to a 2D space for visualization
- UMAP: Unsupervised, non-linear
- Idea: similar to t-SNE, but faster and more scalable
- t-SNE: Unsupervised, non-linear
2. Data Cleaning
Common Data Issues
- Non-standardized Data
- Inconsistent formats
- Different terminologies
- Use standard ontologies (MeSH, RxNorm, UMLS, etc.)
- Structure Issues
- Apply tidy data principles:
- One variable per column
- One observation per row
- One value per cell
- Use melting for restructuring
df = pd.DataFrame({ 'id': [1, 1, 1], 'name': ['Alice', 'Alice', 'Alice'], 'math': [90, 85, 95], 'science': [85, 90, 88], 'english': [95, 92, 93] }) # id name math science english # 1 Alice 90 85 95 # 1 Alice 85 90 92 # 1 Alice 95 88 93 df.melt(id_vars=['id', 'name'], value_vars=['math', 'science', 'english'])
id name variable value 1 Alice math 90 1 Alice science 85 1 Alice english 95
- Apply tidy data principles:
- Duplicate Data
- Check for exact duplicates
- Verify legitimate duplicates
- Use
with appropriate criteria
- Incorrect Values
- Define valid ranges
- Check categorical values
- Look for inconsistencies
- Examine outliers
Missing Data
Types of Missing Data
- MCAR (Missing Completely At Random): Reason for missing data is unrelated to any other variables in the dataset.
- MAR (Missing At Random): Reason for missing data is related to other variables in the dataset.
- MNAR (Missing Not At Random): Reason for missing data is related to the missing value itself.
Handling Missing Data
- Detection
- Use
- Apply Little’s Test for MCAR
- Check for MAR patterns
- Use
- Solutions
- Drop rows (listwise/pairwise deletion)
- Drop fields (columns)
- Imputation methods:
- Deductive imputation
- Multiple imputation
- FIML (Full Information Maximum Likelihood)
- EM (Expectation Maximization)
- Avoid
- Simple mean/median replacement
- Single deterministic regression
- Single stochastic regression