Transformers and LLM Scaling

1. Preliminaries

1.1 Sequence to Sequence Models

Important in translation.Uses two RNNs (GRUs or LSTMs): Encoder and Decoder


The goal of Seq2seq is to estimate the conditional probability

\[p(y_1, \ldots, y_T \mid x_1, \ldots, x_S)\]
  • Encoder RNN computes the fixed dimensional representation $h(x_1:S)$
  • Decoder RNN then computes
\[\prod_{t=1}^T p(y_t \mid y_{<t}, h(x_1:S))\]

2. Attention

On each step of decoding, directly connect to the encoder, and focus on a particular part of the source sequence.


2.1 Attention in terms of query/key/values

Basic idea behind attention mechanisms:

  • Neural networks so far: Hidden activations are linear combinations of input activations, followed by nonlinearity:
\[h = \varphi(Wu)\]
  • A more flexible model:
    • We have a set of $m$ feature vectors or values $V \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times v}$
    • The model dynamically chooses which to use based on how similar a query vector $q \in \mathbb{R}^q$ is to a set of $m$ keys $K \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times k}$.
    • If $q$ is most similar to key $i$, then we use value (feature) $v_i$.


  • We can write the attention mechanism as: \(\begin{aligned} \text{Attn}(q, \{(k_1, v_1), \ldots, (k_m, v_m)\}) &= \text{Attn}(q, (k_1:m, v_1:m)) \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^m w_i(q, k_1:m) v_i \end{aligned}\)

where weights $w_i$ are softmax of attention scores $a(q, k)$:

\[w_i(q, k_1:m) = \frac{\exp(a(q, k_i))}{\sum_{j=1}^m \exp(a(q, k_j))}\]

2.2 Kernel regression as attention

Recall the kernel regression estimator:

\[\hat{m}(x) = \sum_{i=1}^n w(x, x_1:n) y_i\]

Here the attention scores (for Gaussian kernel) are

\[a(x, x_i) = - \frac{1}{2h^2} \lVert x - x_i \rVert^2\]
  • query: test point $x$
  • keys: data $x_1, \ldots, x_n$
  • values: responses $y_1, \ldots, y_n$

2.3 Attention in Transformers

Note that if $x_i$ and $x$ have a fixed norm then the attention scores arejust scaled dot products:

\[a(x, x_i) = \frac{1}{h^2} x^T x_i\]

If query and keys have same dimension $d$, dot product attention is

\[a(q, k) = \frac{q^T k}{\sqrt{d}} \in \mathbb{R}\]


\[\text{Attn}(Q, K, V) = \text{Softmax} \left( \frac{Q K^T}{\sqrt{d}} \right) V\]

3. Transformer Architecture

3.1 Key Steps in the Transformer

  • Tokenize the text into a fixed vocabulary
  • Embed the tokens into high-dimensional vectors
  • Mix the embeddings in the context using “Attention”
  • Map the resulting vectors using a neural network

3.2 Tokenization

  • Tokenizer properties
    • Reversible: Can convert from tokens back to original text
    • General: Works on arbitrary text, even very different from training
    • Compressive: Each token is about 4 bytes
    • Statistical: Will break strings into frequently occurring pieces
  • The BPE algorithm


  • Increasing complexity of attention patterns transformer-layers transformer-layers

3.3 Positional encoding

Positional encoding is an interesting way of getting position information into the model. For the $t$-th word in the sequence, components are

\[PE(t ,2i ) = \sin \left( \frac{t}{C^{2i/d}} \right)\] \[PE(t ,2i +1) = \cos \left( \frac{t}{C^{2i/d}} \right)\]

where $d$ is the embedding dimension and $C$ is a maximum sequence length


3.4 Multi-head attention

Multiple attention vectors are computed, then merged (concatenated)

multi-head-attention multi-head-attention

4. Generating new tokens

Transformer assigns a score to each token

  • Converted to a probability
  • Generating next token equivalent to rolling weighted 50,257-sided die

Generation algorithm has two “knobs” to control:

  1. Top-$k$ : Restricts to just the top $k$ tokens
    • Low $k$ : Low variability
    • High $k$ : Higher variability
  2. Temperature $T$ : Lower temperature favors more likely tokens
    • Low temperature: Low variability
    • High temperature: High variability
    • At temperature $T$, if the scores of the top $k$ tokens are \(\text{score}_1, \text{score}_2, \ldots, \text{score}_k\) the weights on the die are proportional to \(\exp(\text{score}_1 / T), \exp(\text{score}_2 / T), \ldots, \exp(\text{score}_k / T)\)


5. How large are the models?

Design choices: number of tokens $V$, dimension $d$ of embeddings, and number of Transformer layers $L$

  • Embeddings have $d \cdot V$ parameters
    • $d$ numbers for each token, $V$ tokens
  • Self-Attention has $\approx 4d^2$ parameters
    • $d \times d$ matrix for queries (across heads)
    • $d \times d$ matrix for keys (across heads)
    • $d \times d$ matrix for values (across heads)
    • $d \times d$ matrix for combining heads
  • MLP applied after has $\approx 8d^2$ parameters
    • Two layers
    • Hidden layer has $4 \cdot d$ neurons
    • Output layer has $d$ neurons
    • $4d^2$ weights in each layer; $8d^2$ weights overall
  • In each Transformer layer:
    • Attention has about $4d^2$ parameters
    • MLP has about $8d^2$ parameters
  • Total trainable parameters: $12d^2 \cdot L + d \cdot V$

model-size-gpt-2 model-size-gpt-3

  • Scaling behavior of LLM models scaling-law scaling-law

Sutton’s “Bitter Lesson” (2019) “The biggest lesson that can be read from 70 years of AI research is that general methods that leverage computation are ultimately the most effective, and by a large margin.”